Saturday, May 17, 2014

Hero of Time

Hero of Time

This outfit is built around one of my favorite video games of all time, The Legend of Zelda. Who says girl gamers can't be fashionable?

I've been playing the Zelda games since I was a little kid and when I saw this graphic tee from Think Geek I knew I had to build an outfit around it. From there, everything else just started falling into place. The Navi necklace was a lucky find and it adds that extra touch without overdoing things.

These outfits aren't meant to be full on cosplays, but everyday normal outfits that won't mean anything to someone who isn't familiar with the fandom. For this reason the outfit allows you to put your inner nerd on display for those who can appreciate it, while still looking classy for those who have no idea what you're trying to accomplish.

Shirt, Pants, Cardigan, Scarf, Shoes, Belt, Necklace, Link Action Figure, Link and Epona Figurine

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